Saint Dimitrios

Translation from the Book

Ὁ Θεός στήν ἱστορία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας, Βοήθημα Κατωτέρου Κατηχητικοῦ Γ΄,

ἐκδ. «Χριστιανική Ἐλπίς» Ὀρθόδοξη Ἀδελφότητα, Θεσσαλονίκη 2016, σσ. 36-41


  There is a special calendar called “Agiologio”, which shows the names of the saints who are celebrated each day. Some Christians have the pious habit of reading them every day so, when they pray, they ask these saints for their help. Indeed, our lives would be wonderful if we got used to the company of the saints instead of spending our time in games, Facebook, magazines and comics. What if these saints and their fascinating lives became our role models?
  Today we are going to stand before the figure of a saint who was a Catechist, a teacher of the Sunday school. On his name day we also celebrate the Sunday school, the people teaching in it and all the younger or older people who attend it and love it.
  Thessaloniki 280 AD. The city was under the Roman rule. The emperor was Galerius Valerius Maximianus, an idolater who fiercely persecuted the Christians. He imprisoned them, tortured them and executed them because of their faith. Dimitrios was born in this unhospitable for the Christians world. He was an offspring of an aristocratic family and he was going to be an ardent fighter of Christ.
When he grew up, he turned out to be a handsome young man with unique features and virtues. He was intelligent but humble. He had leadership skills and politeness. He had a brave and heroic heart. He prayed, he studied the Holy Bible and he fasted. He never missed the Divine Liturgy and communed Jesus’ Holy Blood and Body as often as possible.
  He stood out from the young people who lived in the city. Everybody respected and appreciated him, not only for his significant social class but for his behaviour as a Christian, as well. The Christians held him at a special place in their heart because he was their teacher and Catechist!
  Every day, defying the risk of being arrested, he taught people to believe in God. His heart was burning with the desire to give an opportunity to all the people to learn about the true God. This was his biggest goal: every day to encourage an idolater to become a Christian, to lead a person towards Christ! So, every day he taught at the Sunday school and kindled the flame of faith during the difficult times of persecutions. He arranged secret meetings in Katafigi, which was one of the galleries of the ancient market in the center of Thessaloniki. The church of Panagia Chalkeon is located there today. His words full of God's grace, excited people of all ages. Thanks to him a lot of souls met and loved Christ!
  Such a great effort could not stay hidden for a long time. 303 AD. The emperor arrived in Thessaloniki. The idolaters who were jealous of Dimitrios grasped the chance and denounced him. As a result, the emperor put him in prison.
  The ardent Catechist was arrested the moment he was teaching the Gospel. They led him before the emperor who had just entered the stadium to watch the duels between the gladiators in his honour. The stadium was located where the church of Saint Dimitrios looms today. The emperor ordered to imprison temporarily the young Catechist in the changing room under the stadium, so that he could deal with him later.
  The duels began. An idolater, a gigantic gladiator, appeared in the center of the stadium. His name was Lyaios and he challenged the Christians to a duel with him. His words were full of hatred and scorn for Christ and His followers. Nestoras, who was a catechumen of Dimitrios, heard him. When Dimitrios got arrested, he was at the Sunday school so he followed him to the stadium. He hadn’t been baptized yet. But he could not stand hearing these insults to Christ. So, he decided to fight Lyaios. He didn't mind that he was small and weak. He had the greatest ally; God. He ran to his Catechist in prison and asked for his blessing. Dimitrios gave him his blessing and said the prophetic words: “Not only will you beat Lyaios but also you will become a martyr of Christ.”
  Lyaios laughed at his opponent. Nestoras prayed: “God of Dimitrios help me”. The duel began and Nestoras beat him before the astonished spectators! The giant was lying dead in the middle of the arena and the whole stadium was shaken by the cheer of the crowd.
  The emperor became furious when he was informed that Nestoras was a follower of Dimitrios. Christ’s young athlete did not gain a crown from the emperor. Instead, he had the honor of becoming a martyr, as Dimitrios had foretold him. He was given the crown of eternal glory by Christ.
  Maximianus’ rage wasn't satisfied. He wanted to punish the person who was really responsible for the humiliation of the idolaters. He ordered his soldiers to execute Dimitrios. A few minutes later they hit Dimitrios with their spears. His blood flew like a river. Christ bestowed to him the crown of the heavenly glory along with his catechumen.
 Saint Demetrius Dimitrios was glorified on earth too. His relic has had the blessing to spring myrrh several times. He has also cured a lot of sick people and has helped his favorite city Thessaloniki in miraculous ways. He is the patron saint of Thessaloniki. It isn't a coincidence that Thessaloniki declared her freedom after five hundred years under the Turkish yoke on the day we celebrate his memory. The citizens of Thessaloniki always faithfully seek his help in difficult times, like earthquakes or famine and get his help.
  The Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Dimitrios on the 26th of October and Saint Nestoras on the 27th.

Fragrant pigeons

  In the past when people wanted to catch wild pigeons, they used to put perfume on the wings of domesticated pigeons and let them fly free. When these pigeons returned to the dovecote, they were followed by wild ones who had been attracted by their delightful fragrance. Dimitrios was like these pigeons. He led many idolaters to Christ’s truth with his “fragrant” life and words. He would be so happy if he saw people who attend the Sunday school spread the same fragrance around them and lead others to Christ. Don't miss the opportunity to talk to others about Christ! Show to the world with your behaviour and your actions that the Christian life is beautiful! Find ways to invite people to the Sunday school! Christ’s myrrh is for everybody. We should spread it in our house, our neighbourhood, our community, our workplace, our city and make Saint Dimitrios proud.

The Christ’s myrrh
I apply on my wings
that all will come to Him
joy to my heart brings.


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