Τρίτη, 03 Σεπτέμβριος 2024 20:00

Our Hope - the Holy Cross

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Translation from the book:

Στεργίου ΝΣάκκου, Ὁ Σταυρός στό φῶς τῆς Ἀνάστασης, ἐκδ. «ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ, Θεσ/νίκη 2019, σσ. 43-49.


   Among the banners, flags and symbols raised by the world to proclaim its slogans, our Church exalts the Holy Cross and invites us to accept its message. The history of God and man, in all its dimensions, is written on its simple shape. The greatest misery and the greatest joy meet in its heart: the despair of a dying world and the hope of a world being raised.
 Cross  Historically and theologically the Cross has in fact, two aspects: what it appears to be and what it is. It appears to be dipped in blood, tears and pain. But if we bend over its bloody stains, we will again discern two opposites: on the one hand, crime in its most terrible form, guilt in its most dreadful hour; and on the other, the greatest love and infinite tolerance. The cross of ancient times, was an instrument of torture, the most terrible means that Satan had discovered to torment man, after he had driven him to the lowest point of degradation. But since the Crucifixion of the sinless Christ, the Cross has also become the symbol of the highest love and devotion for those who love Christ and follow in His footsteps.
   There are three crosses on Golgotha which help us to understand historically the aspect of the cross represented in its two dimensions. On two of the crosses hang two criminals who are receiving “the due reward of their deeds”; on the other Cross hangs Jesus, who “has done nothing wrong” (Lk 23:41). At the same time, the first criminal cursed the Innocent, while the other repented and became a martyr; he bore his cross with patience, denied his shameful past and believed in a glorious future. And how? With the strength that he drew from the Cross of Jesus Christ. This is the second aspect of the Cross that all those who repent and believe can experience.   
   The Cross of our Lord has a rich inner content which can be infused into the cross of the thief and into every cross, if we so wish. This secret content, its indescribable richness, is the love of God, which becomes blood, and the blood becomes redemption and purification, but also a power of transformation and change. Here is the “essence” of the Cross, here is the hope of the world! A hope not like the “false hopes” of the poets, which lead to despair, nor like the fleeting hopes of our narrow horizons which leave behind them disappointment. It is the hope for which the soul of man thirsts, that he is not just a piece of earth and flesh, not a number or something destined to nothing but a being of eternal value and destiny. This hope which warms the heart and enlightens the mind, which steels the nerves and sustains the will, the hope which gives meaning to struggles, joyful endurance to sorrows, profound happiness to joys, is found only in the Cross. What honour man has when, for his sake, the precious blood of God is shed! What glory awaits him since the God-man, in a human body, fights and conquers death. What hope springs from Golgotha!
   Unfortunately, the world can only see the visible aspect of the cross and rejects it. Like the Jews who saw its weakness and were tempted, like the Gentiles who saw it as folly and mocked it. The world ignores the “essence” of the Cross and doesn’t even bother to learn it, so it can never understand it. That is why today the Church, the Gospel and christians are despised, mocked, hated and fought against. But it is also the reason why today the world has lost hope and is dying of despair. It is because man has cut himself off from the Cross and relies on his own strength. He cannot even think that what he wants might be hidden in the Cross. In no way do people admit that the Cross, which they consider trivial, can embrace those who are divided, give peace to the soul, make amends between man and his God.
   So man struggles all alone. He sends out rockets, literally throws his money into the air, without earning anything, not a breath of life, not a drop of relief from his stress. He raises his antennas, his science and his art, and channels mainly elements of corruption and decay into his own house, his mind and his blood. He hangs horseshoes on his door as a symbol of good luck, you see, this is neither foolish nor scandalous!  He reconciles fetishism with his culture because he suffocates without hope. But hope is nowhere to be found! Modern man stands disappointed before an empty Pandora’s box; his last hopes have flown away. He believes nothing, he hopes for nothing, he is lost. He puts “Hope Wanted” in the “Classifieds” in vain. He will only find hope in the Cross.
   Because hope is not in “bread and spectacle”, it is not in the refrigerator or in culture. Hope is not in shop windows, shops, chimneys, oil tanks and bombs. Hope is peace and life. A full stomach and a comfortable career are not hope, hope is a pure and light heart. The saturation of the senses and the deception of our secret desires with their substitutes are not hope. Hope is the power that guarantees joy up to eternity, the power that makes us see the other person not as a target for our vice or as an object to profit from, but as a brother, as a creature of the same Father.
   If we see the Cross as a simple symbol, we do injustice to the Cross and, fatally, to ourselves. If we recognise in the Cross the blood of an Innocent Man who shed His blood on it for our sake, we have taken an important step. But if we discover in the Cross, beyond the agony of death, the triumph of life that springs from the “empty tomb” of the Crucified and Risen One, then we have found our great, true, eternal hope.
   Our Church, through the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, invites us to rest under its wings. Tell me, dear faithful, if a person wants something different or something more!


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«ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Διαβάστηκε 209 φορές Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Τρίτη, 10 Σεπτέμβριος 2024 14:15
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